Derek and I Meet on a blind date when I was still in high school…(thanks Michelle for dragging me out that nigh … And thanks to Car for canceling on them…) And this is where I say the rest is history but that’s not quite the entire story. We did meet on a blind date when I was in high school and that day was the being inning of a beautiful love story. Shortly after meeting Derek and dating. We hade a very funny conversation on nigh laying out on the tramp in his parent’s back yard it went something like this….
Derek: I use to be best friends with Jason ***** (my next door neighbor)
Kenzie: nooooooooo are you serious???
Derek: Yep!
Kenzie: that’s so funny because when I was younger I use droll of Jason and his friends.
Derek: (laughing)
Kenzie: what’s so funny?
***Please keep in mind when I “drooled” of his BF Jason and his friends I was in like 3-5 grade***
Derek: are you the girls that hid on the other side of the fence and would peek over and giggle?
Kenzie: yep! (At this point I was embarrassed that when I was 7,8,9 and 10 I was drooling over my future husband)
Then Derek began to ask me if I know one of his other friends and then I proceeded to tell him about when I was 14 and at youth conference and I liked this guy named Joel***** and that he had pined me down with one of his friends and dumped buckets of water on me. This is when Derek informed me that the ‘Friend” was him wow I can believe that my hole life I hade ran in to him and that I never ever knew him. Their are a lot of other things that have happened like Derek and I hade the same friends in high school and we still did not know each other till that day when Michelle called and asked me to fill in for Carly who canceled on them…. Now I can say the rest is history….
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
whats been going onwith the Money's
I have good news I………. No I am not pregnant I wish but I still have good news I got new job!!! So I start on Monday!!!! I am so excited my new hours are from 7:30 am -4:40 pm my old hours were from 8:30 am -5:30 pm and I am not a morning person so this will be a challenge for me. the bad part I have no idea if I am going to have internet access anymore I hope I do ( I should I don’t know any business that does not have internet) and I don’t have internet at home so I and really nervous that I will not be able to check anything or blog anymore:( but we will see I guess that the price you pay for a raise so the rest of the week I feel like I am hitting my head against a wall because I really don’t want to be at work ( I just feel like the office has become hostile towards me for leaving them but the pay raise was to big to pass up so I guess I will be ok for the next 2 days.
So we are all settled in to our home and our landscaping is being put in and it should be done next week!!!! And dun dun dun Ruby went in to heat ahhhhhhhhhhhh this is not what I needed this month but at least we will get it over with before we leave on our cruse which if you have not noticed its 1 month and 21 days till we leave!!!! But me and Derek being procrastinators we still have not gotten our pass ports yet crap crap crap is all I have to say on that so this Saturday we have to wake up early and go down to the post office and get that part squared away and have them expedited so they will be hear in time. Maybe this will teach me not to procrastinate but in my defense what we needed to get it done was in the storage unit all summer long and by the time my parents told us it was already packed away for the long summer so I had to wait this long oh well what can you do huh?
Well I will try and get on some time next week if I have access to the internet and let you all know how my new job is!!!
So we are all settled in to our home and our landscaping is being put in and it should be done next week!!!! And dun dun dun Ruby went in to heat ahhhhhhhhhhhh this is not what I needed this month but at least we will get it over with before we leave on our cruse which if you have not noticed its 1 month and 21 days till we leave!!!! But me and Derek being procrastinators we still have not gotten our pass ports yet crap crap crap is all I have to say on that so this Saturday we have to wake up early and go down to the post office and get that part squared away and have them expedited so they will be hear in time. Maybe this will teach me not to procrastinate but in my defense what we needed to get it done was in the storage unit all summer long and by the time my parents told us it was already packed away for the long summer so I had to wait this long oh well what can you do huh?
Well I will try and get on some time next week if I have access to the internet and let you all know how my new job is!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
So i cant believe we have been in our house for at least 2 weeks its been so nice this last weekend we Had some friends over for a game night and then on Sunday we had over Derek's family for family home evening and the kids about tore our house apart but it was goodnight. and that day at church we met some really nice people and we are sooo excited to be in this ward.
its been so crazy we have unpacked the hole house and got all our stuff put away and Derek has hung up all of our pictures. its so nice to have our own stuff now and the dogs cant stop running around the house like they did in our other house they love the yard and the park across the street.
we are so happy and cant believe how blessed we are to be able to have a home like ours and in the aria we love we can wait to raise kids in the neighbor hood. ( we found out from our home teachers that the ward has to have 4 nurseries and it ha about 180 kids in the ward) so we hope we can add to that number some day)
we love you all and can wait for you all to be able to come down and see our home and be able to make lots of memories in it..
P.s. so my parents have been so stressed about Derek and I getting our passports that they have called us almost every day about them... so I just want to let everyone know we have an appointment on October 25Th at 10:30 to get them so we can go on our cruse on December 13Th 2008 i am sooooo excited it only 1 month and 28 days away!!!!!
we love you all!!!
its been so crazy we have unpacked the hole house and got all our stuff put away and Derek has hung up all of our pictures. its so nice to have our own stuff now and the dogs cant stop running around the house like they did in our other house they love the yard and the park across the street.
we are so happy and cant believe how blessed we are to be able to have a home like ours and in the aria we love we can wait to raise kids in the neighbor hood. ( we found out from our home teachers that the ward has to have 4 nurseries and it ha about 180 kids in the ward) so we hope we can add to that number some day)
we love you all and can wait for you all to be able to come down and see our home and be able to make lots of memories in it..
P.s. so my parents have been so stressed about Derek and I getting our passports that they have called us almost every day about them... so I just want to let everyone know we have an appointment on October 25Th at 10:30 to get them so we can go on our cruse on December 13Th 2008 i am sooooo excited it only 1 month and 28 days away!!!!!
we love you all!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
ITs official we are home owners!!!!

Ok so i have not posted in a a few days but our life has been way hectic on Thursday we had our walk through and then Friday Derek went hunting and lost his wallet and at five i got a call from our loan office called me and informed me we would not be closing due to the appraiser not getting him all the info they needed on time so it was being pushed back AHHHHHH! so he said we will close on Monday but we didn't know what time. Ok so at this time i didn't know Derek had lost his wallet so i was freaking out but still ok we were going to close but when was the question so Friday night my mom sister and I had a girls night watching 80'S movies but we got a call from the boys and the bad news just kept rolling my dad popped the tire on the 4 wheeler and Derek lost his wallet which had credit cards debit cards and ....... his drivers licence AHHHHHH her needs this to close crap what are we going to do. so we went on with our movie and i ended up sleeping over with both dogs on the bed with me. so the next day ( Saturday) we went shopping and just went where ever we wanted with no care in the world. and then we went to dinner and then went home to watch more 80's movies then we got another call from the boys the blew up a 4 wheeler so they would be home in 15-20 min. well the next day we had to take Derek's parents to the airport and then went to my parents for dinner. so Monday rolled around and Derek went to the drivers licence division to get a new drivers licence, he got and that part was ok and then the frustration began. to make a long story short we didn't close after many attempts. but Tuesday morning we finally close and last night we started to move in!!!!! so we just want to take a moment to thank all our Friends who helped last night and the rest of this week who are coming to help we really appreciate it. so hear are some pics for you to enjoy....
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
pics of the house
Their is a light at the end of the tunnal
So it has been along 11 months and a adventure to say the least, we are thankful for what the lord has let/ Made us learn it has been very trying and hard at times and others has been very rewarding. Derek and I relationship has grown and strengthened more than i ever thought possible even though some times we thought it was becoming week, in the end it was actually at its strongest at those moments. we have faced loss, homelessness, sickness, disbelief, thankfulness, love and feeling like we have fall and something keeps pushing and kicking us down. W e are all so very thankful for those who have stood by us through out all of our many, many struggles we have face over the years and we would not have been able to face them head on with out you.
when we found out that we would not have a home to live in in less than a week and we Had to make the dreaded phone call to friends and family to help us move ( the first time) we were overwhelmed with joy of all the people who came to help us in that time of need. after this move Derek and I were in a car accident and were with out a car and Derek's sister lent us her can for a few weeks till we could find out what was going to happen to our car or get a new one.
the just a few short weeks later ( 3 months after we moved in the Salt lake house we started to name them after the 2ND house we were in) we got the call that the house had sold and we had to be out so we moved again to the Riverton house where we were for about another 3 months. In this time we were looking for a house of our own but may offers and counter offers later we decided to build ( a better deal) so we started a new adventure and trial during this trial we had many other trials Derek had his gal bladder out and at the same time Ruby had a tumor removed and i went back to work ( in a office and not at home) we also had to move out of the Riverton house in the middle on June to my in laws. we have been blessed that we have a roof over our head and food in our tummy and cloths on our back. but now this adventure is coming to a end with our house being done. Even though we are still going through some trials and we hope that they come to a end soon. so we can start a hole new sort of trials. we know that its in the lords hands and he has a plan for us and unfortunately he wont let us have some say in it. but we have come to terms with and are tanking in day by day, week by week and month by month. we are looking forward to have may memories in our new house. we are also looking forward to our cruse this December with my family and the adventure of some day a family to fill out house.
at this time we want to thank everyone for all their help and patience over the last year we love you all and could not have done it with out you.
when we found out that we would not have a home to live in in less than a week and we Had to make the dreaded phone call to friends and family to help us move ( the first time) we were overwhelmed with joy of all the people who came to help us in that time of need. after this move Derek and I were in a car accident and were with out a car and Derek's sister lent us her can for a few weeks till we could find out what was going to happen to our car or get a new one.
the just a few short weeks later ( 3 months after we moved in the Salt lake house we started to name them after the 2ND house we were in) we got the call that the house had sold and we had to be out so we moved again to the Riverton house where we were for about another 3 months. In this time we were looking for a house of our own but may offers and counter offers later we decided to build ( a better deal) so we started a new adventure and trial during this trial we had many other trials Derek had his gal bladder out and at the same time Ruby had a tumor removed and i went back to work ( in a office and not at home) we also had to move out of the Riverton house in the middle on June to my in laws. we have been blessed that we have a roof over our head and food in our tummy and cloths on our back. but now this adventure is coming to a end with our house being done. Even though we are still going through some trials and we hope that they come to a end soon. so we can start a hole new sort of trials. we know that its in the lords hands and he has a plan for us and unfortunately he wont let us have some say in it. but we have come to terms with and are tanking in day by day, week by week and month by month. we are looking forward to have may memories in our new house. we are also looking forward to our cruse this December with my family and the adventure of some day a family to fill out house.
at this time we want to thank everyone for all their help and patience over the last year we love you all and could not have done it with out you.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
This was simply too good and too true to share it with all of you. I hope you enjoy! And to my sweet, awesome hubby - I am signing you up when we have kids!!!!
Six married men will be dropped on an island with one car and
3 kids each for six weeks.
Each kid will play
two sports
and either take music
or dance classes.
There is no fast food.
Each man must
take care of his 3 kids;
keep his assigned house clean,
correct all homework,
and complete science projects,
cook, do laundry,
and pay a list of 'pretend' bills
with not enough money.
In addition, each man
will have to budget in money
for groceries each week.
Each man
must remember the birthdays
of all their friends and relatives,
and send cards out
on time--no emailing.
Each man must also
take each child to a doctor's appointment,
a dentist appointment
and a haircut appointment.
He must make
one unscheduled and inconvenient
visit per child
to the Urgent Care.
He must also
make cookies or cupcakes
for a social function.
Each man will be responsible for
decorating his own assigned house,
planting flowers outside
and keeping it presentable
at all times.
The men will only
have access to television
when the kids are asleep
and all chores are done.
The men must
shave their legs,
wear makeup daily,
adorn themselves with jewelry,
wear uncomfortable yet stylish shoes,
keep fingernails polished
and eyebrows groomed.
During one of the six weeks,
the men will have to endure severe abdominal cramps, back aches,
and have extreme, unexplained mood swings but never once complain or
slow down from other duties.
They must attend
weekly school meetings,
church, and find time
at least once to spend the afternoon
at the park or a similar setting.
They will need to
read a book to the kids
each night and in the morning,
feed them, dress them,
brush their teeth and
comb their hair by 7:00 am.
A test will be given at the end of the six weeks, and each father will be required to know all of the following information:
each child's birthday,
height, weight,
shoe size, clothes size
and doctor's name.
Also the child's weight at birth,
length, time of birth,
and length of labor,
each child's favorite color,
middle name,
favorite snack,
favorite song,
favorite drink,
favorite toy,
biggest fear and
what they want to be when they grow up.
The kids vote them off the island
based on performance.
The last man wins only if...
he still has enough energy
to be intimate with his spouse
at a moment's notice.
If the last man does win,
he can play the game over and over
and over again for the next 18-25 years
eventually earning the right
To be called Mother!
Six married men will be dropped on an island with one car and
3 kids each for six weeks.
Each kid will play
two sports
and either take music
or dance classes.
There is no fast food.
Each man must
take care of his 3 kids;
keep his assigned house clean,
correct all homework,
and complete science projects,
cook, do laundry,
and pay a list of 'pretend' bills
with not enough money.
In addition, each man
will have to budget in money
for groceries each week.
Each man
must remember the birthdays
of all their friends and relatives,
and send cards out
on time--no emailing.
Each man must also
take each child to a doctor's appointment,
a dentist appointment
and a haircut appointment.
He must make
one unscheduled and inconvenient
visit per child
to the Urgent Care.
He must also
make cookies or cupcakes
for a social function.
Each man will be responsible for
decorating his own assigned house,
planting flowers outside
and keeping it presentable
at all times.
The men will only
have access to television
when the kids are asleep
and all chores are done.
The men must
shave their legs,
wear makeup daily,
adorn themselves with jewelry,
wear uncomfortable yet stylish shoes,
keep fingernails polished
and eyebrows groomed.
During one of the six weeks,
the men will have to endure severe abdominal cramps, back aches,
and have extreme, unexplained mood swings but never once complain or
slow down from other duties.
They must attend
weekly school meetings,
church, and find time
at least once to spend the afternoon
at the park or a similar setting.
They will need to
read a book to the kids
each night and in the morning,
feed them, dress them,
brush their teeth and
comb their hair by 7:00 am.
A test will be given at the end of the six weeks, and each father will be required to know all of the following information:
each child's birthday,
height, weight,
shoe size, clothes size
and doctor's name.
Also the child's weight at birth,
length, time of birth,
and length of labor,
each child's favorite color,
middle name,
favorite snack,
favorite song,
favorite drink,
favorite toy,
biggest fear and
what they want to be when they grow up.
The kids vote them off the island
based on performance.
The last man wins only if...
he still has enough energy
to be intimate with his spouse
at a moment's notice.
If the last man does win,
he can play the game over and over
and over again for the next 18-25 years
eventually earning the right
To be called Mother!
Monday, September 15, 2008
What a week indeed…….
thought it would be .............

WOW........ That an understatement for this weekend let me take that back its an understatement for the past week. it all started on Tuesday i work up with a stuffy nose and a cough i went to work thinking it was just allergies but as the day went on the worse i got and it turned in to seines pressure and a head ache. so i went home a sleep all night till about 9:30pm when my wonderful hubby woke me up with a big bowl of chicken noddle soup and crackers and then after i ate a went to bed about 4 hr later so it not about 1 ish and i am up and freezing cold ..... yep you guessed fever... so i finally got a little warm thanks to Derek who held me in spite of me being a furnace to him and was able to go back to sleep. But again i was up about an hour later i was freezing and had to pee this happened all night every hour till about 5:30when i hurt so bad from shivering all night i got up and took a bath to try and get my temp down and my body to stop aching. i was able to relax and went back to bed and when Derek got up to go to work i took my temp like i do every day and it was at 101.43 holly crap i have never seen my temp so high so i stayed home and sleep all day....... so the rest of the week went find i was not 100% but i was able to go back to work so i was thankful Friday came and i was able to have a brake until Derek got home and announced to me that he was sick so all weekend we locked our selves in the basement so we would not get anyone sick.... so i read and watch movies all week and was soooo excited to get out of the house on Sunday when we went down to our house and saw all the progress they have made .......
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Our House
OK so Our House is almost done we close on the 29Th of this month !!!!!!! i am so excited:) just had to share that with everyone!!!!!!!
I found this on my friend’s blog who is going thought the same thing I am and it explains how I feel and how a lot of other people feel about infertility. (this in no way is a jab at anyone who is a mother or expecting its just a good way of explaining how I feel right now about the trial that God has chosen me to endure.)
Thoughts on Becoming a Mother:
There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss and they are good mothers and deserve and love their children.
I don’t believe that God never meant for me not to have children.
That's not my destiny; that's just a fork in the road I'm on.
I've been placed on the road less traveled, and, like it or not, I'm a better person for it.
Clearly, God meant for me to develop more compassion, deeper courage, and greater inner strength on this journey to resolution, and I haven't let him down.
Frankly, if the truth be known, I think God has singled me out for a special treatment.
I think God meant for me to build a thirst for a child so strong and so deep that when that baby is finally placed in my arms, it will be the longest, coolest, most refreshing drink I've ever known.
I will be better not because of genetics, or money or that I have read more books but because I have struggled and toiled for this child.
I have longed and waited.
I have cried and prayed.
I have endured and planned over and over again.
Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to attain their dreams.
I will notice everything about my child.
I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover.
I will marvel at this miracle every day for the rest of my life.
I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold and feed them and that I am not waking to take another temperature, pop another pill, take another shot or cry tears of a broken dream.
My dream will be crying for me.
I count myself lucky in this sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child.
Whether I parent a child I actually give birth to or a child that God leads me to, I will not be careless with my love.
I will be a better mother for all that I have endured.
I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, friend and sister because I have known pain.
I know disillusionment as I have been betrayed by my own body.
I have been tried by fire and hell many never face, yet given time, I stood tall.
I have prevailed.
I have succeeded.
I have won.
So now, when others hurt around me, I do not run from their pain in order to save myself discomfort.
I see it, mourn it, and join them in theirs.
I listen.
And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely.
I have learned the immense power of another hand holding tight to mine, of other eyes that moisten as they learn to accept the harsh truth and when life is beyond hard.
I have learned a compassion that only comes with walking in those shoes.
I have learned to appreciate life.
Yes I will be a wonderful mother.
Thoughts on Becoming a Mother:
There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss and they are good mothers and deserve and love their children.
I don’t believe that God never meant for me not to have children.
That's not my destiny; that's just a fork in the road I'm on.
I've been placed on the road less traveled, and, like it or not, I'm a better person for it.
Clearly, God meant for me to develop more compassion, deeper courage, and greater inner strength on this journey to resolution, and I haven't let him down.
Frankly, if the truth be known, I think God has singled me out for a special treatment.
I think God meant for me to build a thirst for a child so strong and so deep that when that baby is finally placed in my arms, it will be the longest, coolest, most refreshing drink I've ever known.
I will be better not because of genetics, or money or that I have read more books but because I have struggled and toiled for this child.
I have longed and waited.
I have cried and prayed.
I have endured and planned over and over again.
Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to attain their dreams.
I will notice everything about my child.
I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover.
I will marvel at this miracle every day for the rest of my life.
I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold and feed them and that I am not waking to take another temperature, pop another pill, take another shot or cry tears of a broken dream.
My dream will be crying for me.
I count myself lucky in this sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child.
Whether I parent a child I actually give birth to or a child that God leads me to, I will not be careless with my love.
I will be a better mother for all that I have endured.
I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, friend and sister because I have known pain.
I know disillusionment as I have been betrayed by my own body.
I have been tried by fire and hell many never face, yet given time, I stood tall.
I have prevailed.
I have succeeded.
I have won.
So now, when others hurt around me, I do not run from their pain in order to save myself discomfort.
I see it, mourn it, and join them in theirs.
I listen.
And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely.
I have learned the immense power of another hand holding tight to mine, of other eyes that moisten as they learn to accept the harsh truth and when life is beyond hard.
I have learned a compassion that only comes with walking in those shoes.
I have learned to appreciate life.
Yes I will be a wonderful mother.
Monday, September 8, 2008

We had an amazing weekend on Thursday we found out That Derek's 2nd cousin may be receiving a baby through LDS services ( adoption) they have been married for 6 year and trying for about 5 of them and tried everything fro ovulation kits to IVF and on Fri the 5th their dream of becoming parent became reality the have Taylor Ann Tate she is beautiful and so we had to plan fast for Emergency shower for them. they had very littler preparation for it because they found out about the baby just a week ago and had a meeting planed to meet the birth mom on the 4th but she went into labor and so they meet with her in the hospital and about 2 hr later they signed all the paper work and went home on the 5th with them. so she is beautiful and so luck to have the parents she does. we love them and are so happy for them congrats guys!!
so on with our weekend
we went down to my grandparents for Peach days ( their town fair) it was so much fun we went to the parade and the demolition Derby ( the main event. why we go down besides to see my family) they only had 2 heats the normally have 3-4 heats so it was over pretty quick but one car did role over ( this is rare we have only seen it twice this year and last and we have been going for about 20yrs) but it was nice to be with family. and we had to leave early we had a baby blessing for sawyer and then the emergence shower for baby Taylor. so we got up at 6am on Sunday morning and any of you who know me i don't function with out sleep and i am not an early morning person i love to sleep in so Derek let me sleep the hole way home what an amazing man he is he had probably less sleep than i did and he drove the 3hr drive with out me yakking in his ear ( thanks Hun i love you)
so we got home about 9am and we got ready and off we want to the blessing which was amazing the support they have is amazing i hope when we are able to bless our baby one day we have that much support and love ( i know we will but its still amazing what the Gospel does)
so after the blessing and the luncheon we want home for a well needed nap before the shower
so Jamie and Dustin were about 30 min late but its OK we were so excited to just Finally see Taylor it was worth the wait. ( i have to confess now the real intention for the shower was to see hear and not the gifts JK we are glad to help out in anyway possible)
so over all it was a pretty good weekend and a very busy weekend i am sooooo looking forward to next weekend to just rest
P.S. i almost forgot the house ...................... the kitchen is in and the lights and the electrical, some bad news we gate a call for the loan officer and if we don't close by the 30Th of this month ( September) we have to come up with our down payment ( the seller wont be able to help with that through fanny may ) this is very stress full for us because we got our letter on Friday telling us that the 7Th of Oct in our final walk through and we close on the 11th AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH its past the 30th so Derek and Jeremy the loan officer are going to try and pull some strings and see if we can close well before the 30th and have the house done and us moved in by the end of the month!!!! so please pray for us so we can finally have a permanent roof over our head that we own
We love you all and appreciate everyone for all they do for us
Derek & McKenzie
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

OK so this weekend was full of adventure for the money family. We started the long weekend Friday night and we made our way up to strawberry for a family reunion, the dogs were sooo excited and could not stand it. so we picked up the truck at Derek's sisters house and headed up to docs flat for the weekend. we made it up safe and it was just getting cold and everyone was settling in for the night so it was a good thing we planed ahead and the Sunday before we took the trailer up to save our spot.
so Saturday we had to get up and shower and get ready in the trailer so we could go down to Haber for my nephew Gage baptism at 10:00 am ( trying to get ready in a 3x3 bathroom was not easy but we did it and it was nice to be able to go and share that day with him. so after the luncheon we all headed up the canyon again to Finnish out our camping trip. so the rest of the day went as a normal camping trip all the moms and dad yelling at the kids to get out of the fire and the women sitting around in the shade talking and the guys huddled around the trailer trying to get the U of U game . so Saturday was in -eventful.
Sunday we did a little 4 wheeling and then the rain hit so i took a nap and watched a movie in the trailer with the dogs and then we played games with everyone. that night we had everyone up for dinner ( everyone who did not camp with us ) and we sat around the fire once that rain stooped for a moment. everyone went home and even Gary Derek's uncle pulled off the mountain cuz he didn't want to try and pull out in the snow that was suppose to hit above 8,000 feet and we were 8,500 ha we didn't think that would happen so we all went to bed and to our surprise it rained all night and we work up in a river of mud..... OK so not a real river but it rained all night and it was sooo muddy that we didn't even try to get it out but Kevin Derek's other uncle had to pull his trailer off the mountain cuz it was a rental. so his other uncle Steve steeped up and said oh i can get it out and sure enough he did and so did Derek's cousin Matt and Jenna so me and Derek decided that we should try and then we got talked out of it cuz guess what it started to SNOW ..... so we packed up our trailer of all the thing that we needed and that we could not live or do with out till Wednesday when we could go back up and get the trailer so we got all our dirty cloths and food and pack the dogs up in the truck and 2 hrs latter we were finally on our way home. and we barley went down the dirt road and it looked like nothing happened.
so tonight we are heading back up the mountain to pick up our truck and our trailer ) we left the truck at his sister House again cuz we had the car at their house and that gas's it just sooo expensive so another adventure will happen tonight
so hear are some pics of the weekend. ENJOY!!!!
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