Friday, October 24, 2008

a little back ground on me and derek

Derek and I Meet on a blind date when I was still in high school…(thanks Michelle for dragging me out that nigh … And thanks to Car for canceling on them…) And this is where I say the rest is history but that’s not quite the entire story. We did meet on a blind date when I was in high school and that day was the being inning of a beautiful love story. Shortly after meeting Derek and dating. We hade a very funny conversation on nigh laying out on the tramp in his parent’s back yard it went something like this….

Derek: I use to be best friends with Jason ***** (my next door neighbor)

Kenzie: nooooooooo are you serious???

Derek: Yep!

Kenzie: that’s so funny because when I was younger I use droll of Jason and his friends.

Derek: (laughing)

Kenzie: what’s so funny?

***Please keep in mind when I “drooled” of his BF Jason and his friends I was in like 3-5 grade***

Derek: are you the girls that hid on the other side of the fence and would peek over and giggle?

Kenzie: yep! (At this point I was embarrassed that when I was 7,8,9 and 10 I was drooling over my future husband)

Then Derek began to ask me if I know one of his other friends and then I proceeded to tell him about when I was 14 and at youth conference and I liked this guy named Joel***** and that he had pined me down with one of his friends and dumped buckets of water on me. This is when Derek informed me that the ‘Friend” was him wow I can believe that my hole life I hade ran in to him and that I never ever knew him. Their are a lot of other things that have happened like Derek and I hade the same friends in high school and we still did not know each other till that day when Michelle called and asked me to fill in for Carly who canceled on them…. Now I can say the rest is history….


Olivia Jane Designs said...

hahaha that is right :) And people say that my flakiness is a BAD quality? Psh, I sure showed them! Love your little Kenzie face!

Dana and Michael said...

I love your love story!!! So I didn't know you had a crush on Jason and is this JOEL one of my old neighbors??? haha

Patrik Swasey said...

Hey Kenzie, long time no see. i have no idea if you still look at this thing but figured i would try anyway. I was going through my year book and i saw you so i looked you up. Just wanted to say Congrats for getting married (better late than never). you two look very happy. I live in american fork so maybe i will run into you guys one day. I wish you both the best of luck.