Thursday, October 16, 2008


So i cant believe we have been in our house for at least 2 weeks its been so nice this last weekend we Had some friends over for a game night and then on Sunday we had over Derek's family for family home evening and the kids about tore our house apart but it was goodnight. and that day at church we met some really nice people and we are sooo excited to be in this ward.

its been so crazy we have unpacked the hole house and got all our stuff put away and Derek has hung up all of our pictures. its so nice to have our own stuff now and the dogs cant stop running around the house like they did in our other house they love the yard and the park across the street.

we are so happy and cant believe how blessed we are to be able to have a home like ours and in the aria we love we can wait to raise kids in the neighbor hood. ( we found out from our home teachers that the ward has to have 4 nurseries and it ha about 180 kids in the ward) so we hope we can add to that number some day)

we love you all and can wait for you all to be able to come down and see our home and be able to make lots of memories in it..

P.s. so my parents have been so stressed about Derek and I getting our passports that they have called us almost every day about them... so I just want to let everyone know we have an appointment on October 25Th at 10:30 to get them so we can go on our cruse on December 13Th 2008 i am sooooo excited it only 1 month and 28 days away!!!!!

we love you all!!!

1 comment:

Dana and Michael said...

I think that is really awesome that you guys are all settled into a CUTE house!! When we first got in our ward that is about how many kids were there. It's a great place to live.