OK so an update is in order...
October started off slow Kayla's 14Th birthday, Ruby having puppies so we thought that our life was pretty boring, we thought to soon. By now you have all heard i lost my grandma a week ago so that is when the may ham started. We had a lot to plan for the funeral so it was one busy, emotional ,existing week Friday was the viewing and it went off with out a glitch then Saturday came I was running late like normal and was so stressed out that we were going to miss the family prayer, but we made it just in time. Then came the flood of memories form the funeral so poor Derek got to sit between my mom, sister and I (who are both criers like me) for the hole 2 hour funeral while we cried and cried and cried, what a sport he was because the hole time he was not feeling well with and upset stomach (this will come into play later.) So after the grave site service Derek my brother Kris and his girlfriend Jessie and I st oped at the Mav to get a drink which was quite hilarious walking into a church with pop and my hole family looking at you like your some kind of hellion for drinking pop. After we ate Derek and I Had to Run uptown for a wedding reception for a lady I work with I just have to give Mel kudos for the reception it was one of the best I have ever been to. Derek at this point is still not feeling good and needs to leave this is about 8:00pm so we get home and he is laying on the couch and is still complaining of an upset stomach so I tell him to just go to bed and sleep it off so about 2 am he gets out of bed, I figure that he just cant sleep and is going to watch TV so I went back to sleep so about 4am he came back up stairs to ask if he can take some ibuprofen for the pain… so at this point I know its bad so we make a call to his parents to see if they can come give him a blessing, so Bob and Shauna get down to our House about 4:35 so about 10 min after they arrive we make the group decision that Derek needs to go to the hospital. So we have to go clear to TimpView Hospitals ER we get their and they run some test and we find out that he has Appendicitis's and he need an emergency appendectomy to remove his appendix… so they told us that the surgery would take place 9am this left no time for one of Derek's brothers to come help his dad give him a blessing so I was able to call on some wonderful friends that we know from our ward. (Patrick and Shyla thank you so much for all your help on Sunday we really appreciate it and sorry for waking you so early on a Sunday morning) so they came to help give Derek a blessing and also went to our house and let our dogs out side to go potty and got our primary book to the president this makes me so grateful that we have amazing friends like the Lucky's! so after they took off Derek's brother Cory shows up and shortly after that they moved us up to a larger room to wait for the DR. who was at another hospital still in surgery so finally around 1pm the DR. shows up and they took Derek is for surgery right after they wheeled Derek down his other brother Jason and his sister showed up as well. The surgery went well and we were finally discharged around 10pm Sunday night… now comes the long recovery process for Derek.
I just want to say thank you to all the calls, emails and post on our behalf this weekend has been one for the books but I don’t think I could have pushed through with out all the support we have received from our family, friend and or ward. Thank you all so much. I think now all I want is for a very boring weekend but I know that will not come till the first of the year.
Love always
Here's hoping to a boring rest of the year, except for the fun Holiday's. So glad everything went well with Derek, poor guy hopefully this will solve all of his stomach problems. We are always here if you need anything! Hopefully we will see you Friday.
My email for your blog is tarahpeacock@gmail.com
Condolences about your grandma agian. I didnt even know about derek. Hopefully he has a good and fast recovery. Hope to see you at Tarah's. Call if you need anything.
Sorry to hear about your grandma. That's never easy :( Holy cow, you guys have had an eventful week!! If you need anything just give me a call. Tell Derek we want him back on his feet asap!
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