We had an amazing weekend on Thursday we found out That Derek's 2nd cousin may be receiving a baby through LDS services ( adoption) they have been married for 6 year and trying for about 5 of them and tried everything fro ovulation kits to IVF and on Fri the 5th their dream of becoming parent became reality the have Taylor Ann Tate she is beautiful and so we had to plan fast for Emergency shower for them. they had very littler preparation for it because they found out about the baby just a week ago and had a meeting planed to meet the birth mom on the 4th but she went into labor and so they meet with her in the hospital and about 2 hr later they signed all the paper work and went home on the 5th with them. so she is beautiful and so luck to have the parents she does. we love them and are so happy for them congrats guys!!
so on with our weekend
we went down to my grandparents for Peach days ( their town fair) it was so much fun we went to the parade and the demolition Derby ( the main event. why we go down besides to see my family) they only had 2 heats the normally have 3-4 heats so it was over pretty quick but one car did role over ( this is rare we have only seen it twice this year and last and we have been going for about 20yrs) but it was nice to be with family. and we had to leave early we had a baby blessing for sawyer and then the emergence shower for baby Taylor. so we got up at 6am on Sunday morning and any of you who know me i don't function with out sleep and i am not an early morning person i love to sleep in so Derek let me sleep the hole way home what an amazing man he is he had probably less sleep than i did and he drove the 3hr drive with out me yakking in his ear ( thanks Hun i love you)
so we got home about 9am and we got ready and off we want to the blessing which was amazing the support they have is amazing i hope when we are able to bless our baby one day we have that much support and love ( i know we will but its still amazing what the Gospel does)
so after the blessing and the luncheon we want home for a well needed nap before the shower
so Jamie and Dustin were about 30 min late but its OK we were so excited to just Finally see Taylor it was worth the wait. ( i have to confess now the real intention for the shower was to see hear and not the gifts JK we are glad to help out in anyway possible)
so over all it was a pretty good weekend and a very busy weekend i am sooooo looking forward to next weekend to just rest
P.S. i almost forgot the house ...................... the kitchen is in and the lights and the electrical, some bad news we gate a call for the loan officer and if we don't close by the 30Th of this month ( September) we have to come up with our down payment ( the seller wont be able to help with that through fanny may ) this is very stress full for us because we got our letter on Friday telling us that the 7Th of Oct in our final walk through and we close on the 11th AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH its past the 30th so Derek and Jeremy the loan officer are going to try and pull some strings and see if we can close well before the 30th and have the house done and us moved in by the end of the month!!!! so please pray for us so we can finally have a permanent roof over our head that we own
We love you all and appreciate everyone for all they do for us
Derek & McKenzie