Friday, December 17, 2010


Wow it’s been awhile since I have last blogged. Derek and I have been up to so much the last four months.

In October we were able to spend lots of time with family and friends. We went camping with Derek’s side of the family. I was able to take a girls trip to St. George with my Mom and sister to see Thriller, Yes it was as good as everyone says. After long months of studying for the Real Estate test I passed with flying colors which I was so nervous about.

In November we were so lucky to take another trip with Derek’s parents to St. George for a long weekend to relax and enjoy their company. We were also blessed to be able to see both of our family’s this year for Thanksgiving and we stuffed ourselves with turkey, mashed potatoes and pie! The next Morning I was crazy enough the get up at 2:30am to stand in line at Target for a TV for Derek but to be gypped out of it because the guy in front of me took two and another lady had taken five, yes I said five. I have no idea why she would need five TV’s but she did. (This is not fair to the rest of us who stood in line just as long and froze) But we were able to get him a TV by the end of the day and he has been so excited to play his COD now that he can actually see the other players. Shortly after Thanksgiving and lots of cleaning on both our parts (yes I went overboard and re organized everything in our house in preparation for our home study.) we were approved for adoption, now the wait begins!

In December on of our neighbors alerted me of a job opening at her work and so I applied because of the awesome pay and benefits and low and behold I got the job! I started Monday and I have been learning lots and an so excited for the possibilities that it will bring to our family.

Now as the Christmas season is upon us and the craziness is starting I find myself looking back over the past year in amazement of how far we have come as individuals and as a family. I am so grateful for the opportunities that have presented themselves we have been truly blessed. I cannot wait to see what the New Year has in store for us.

Thank you all for you love and friendship over the year and we hope you have a Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!

Love The Money’s